How to Maintain Your Air Conditioning Unit for Peak Performance

As the weather gets hotter, we depend more on our air conditioners. But to ensure they work well and save energy, we must maintain them regularly. Ignoring your AC can make it use more energy, raise your bills, and cause you to need expensive fixes. In this blog, we’ll explore essential tips and practices for maintaining your air conditioning in Lake Macquarie to keep it running smoothly and effectively throughout the year.

Understanding Your Air Conditioning Unit:

Knowing how it works is important before you start maintaining your AC. Usually, an AC has two parts: an indoor unit with a coil and blower, and an outdoor unit with a coil and compressor. They work together to take heat out of the air inside and move it outside, which cools your home.

Maintenance Schedule:

To keep your air conditioner working well, it’s important to have a regular maintenance plan. Try to do maintenance twice a year: once in the spring before using it a lot, and again in the fall before it gets cold. Also, check it monthly during the busy months to catch any problems early.

  • Clean or Replace Air Filters:

Dirty or clogged air filters make your AC work harder and use more energy because they block airflow. Check your filters monthly and clean or change them if they’re dirty. Disposable filters should be changed every 1-3 months, and reusable ones should be cleaned following the instructions. Also, high-efficiency filters can catch smaller particles and improve the air inside.

  • Clear Debris Around Outdoor Unit:

Leaves, dirt, and other stuff can gather around the outdoor unit and stop air from flowing well,which makes it work less efficiently. Check around the condenser coil often and clean up any mess. Trim plants and bushes nearby to keep things clear. Additionally, consider installing a protective cover during the off-season to prevent debris buildup, especially if you’ve recently undergone a split system aircon installation.

  • Clean Evaporator and Condenser Coils

Dirt and dust build up on the evaporator and condenser coils over time, making them less efficient at moving heat. To make them work better and avoid problems, clean them once a year. Use a soft brush or vacuum to clean them gently, being careful not to bend the thin fins. If the coils are really dirty, consider using a cleaner made for coils, following the manufacturer’s advice.

  • Check Refrigerant Levels:

If the refrigerant levels are low, it might mean there’s a leak in the system, which can make the cooling weaker and harm the compressor. If you see the cooling isn’t as good as it used to be, get a professional HVAC technician to check the refrigerant levels and fix any leaks. Also, make sure the refrigerant lines are insulated well to stop condensation and save energy.

  • Inspect and Clean Condensate Drain:

The condensate drain gets rid of extra moisture made when cooling. But over time, stuff like algae or debris can block it, causing water damage and making the air inside too humid. Check the drain often and clean it with bleach and water to stop clogs. You can also add a drain pan with a float switch to turn off the AC if the drain gets blocked, preventing water damage.

  • Test Thermostat Accuracy:

If your thermostat isn’t working right, your AC might not run well or keep the temperature steady. Check your thermostat now and then by comparing the temperature it shows to another thermometer nearby. If they don’t match, adjust or change the thermostat. 

  • Tighten Electrical Connections:

Loose electrical connections can make your system stop working or act up now and then. Look at the connections and terminals on both indoor and outdoor units, and tighten any that are loose to make sure they’re snug. Always turn off the power before doing any electrical work. Also, watch out for corrosion or overheating, which could mean there’s a bigger problem that needs a professional’s help.

  • Schedule Professional Maintenance:

Although homeowners can handle some maintenance tasks, scheduling professional HVAC maintenance yearly is crucial. A qualified technician can inspect your system thoroughly, spot potential problems, and make necessary repairs or adjustments to keep your AC running smoothly. They’ll also handle tasks like lubricating moving parts, checking for duct leaks, and ensuring optimal airflow for peak performance.

Benefits of Regular Maintenance:

Maintaining your air conditioning in Lake Macquarie offers numerous benefits beyond just ensuring cool comfort during hot months. By following a proactive maintenance routine, you can:

  • Improve Energy Efficiency: 

A well-maintained AC unit operates more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills.

  • Enhance Indoor Air Quality: 

Clean filters and coils improve indoor air quality by removing dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. 

  • Extend Lifespan: 

Regular maintenance helps prevent premature wear and tear, prolonging the lifespan of your air conditioning in Lake Macquarie.

  • Prevent Costly Repairs: 

Addressing minor issues early through maintenance can prevent them from escalating into costly repairs or replacements.


Taking care of your air conditioning unit is crucial for its longevity and efficiency, ensuring your home stays comfortable. Sticking to a regular maintenance routine and using the tips provided can keep your AC running smoothly for years. Remember, a little maintenance now saves you a lot of trouble later, keeping you comfortable in every sense of the word.

For professional maintenance services and expert advice tailored to your air conditioning needs, consider contacting Onsite Air. With their expertise, they’ll ensure your AC unit receives the care it deserves, optimising its performance to keep your home comfortable.